SCIO: Journal of Philosophy


Modernity and Ars Vivendi

A Reinterpretation of the Origins of Modern Thought


The usual interpretation of Modernity is that of an era of radical change with respect to traditional models of thought, whether in philosophy, science, or the arts. In that sense, a revolution would have taken place, starting from the Renaissance onwards, leaving behind the knowledge of Antiquity. This seems evident in the case of the conception of philosophical thought as ars vivendi, which supposedly sank into oblivion until practically our own days. However, by examining the works of authors such as Michel de Montaigne and René Descartes, it is possible to find a proposal for philosophy as a distinctly modern way of life. In the first case, Montaigne may appear as a mere heir to Greek and Roman thinkers, but his vital philosophy clearly departs from the art of living in Antiquity. In the latter case, perhaps the clearest example of a philosopher supposedly uninterested in moral questions, we also find a novel proposal of ars vivendi, where knowledge and self-care remain as relevant as in the classics, although expressed in a different manner.


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