Specula Revista de Humanidades y Espiritualidad


Songs and prayers from the judeo-provençal siddur (ms. Leeds, Brotherton Library, Roth 32): some linguistic and stylistic considerations


Ms. Brotherton Library (Leeds) Roth 32, copied in Avignon during the XV century, is the only witness of a Judeo-Provençal siddur, the daily and festival Jewish prayer-book. It represents an important source of information not only for the liturgy adopted by XV-century Provençal Jews, but also for Judeo-Provençal language. In this essay, I provide the edition of some unpublished songs and prayers from ms. Roth 32 and I carry out some hypothesis concerning this specific variety of Judeo-Provençal. In particular, I examine the method of translation from Hebrew to Judeo-Provençal, explaining the meaning of some rare or otherwise unattested words: they are neologisms, loanwords (even from Judeo-Arabic)
and terms otherwise attested only in Modern Provençal. I also consider the relationship between Judeo-Provençal, as it is attested in the siddur – i.e. the “scholastic” Judeo-Provençal – and some hints of the Provençal which was spoken by XV century Provençal Jews, in order to evidence the diaphasic complexity of this language. Finally, I compare the Judeo-Provençal translation of the Šema‘ Israel to the Judeo-Italian one, in order to introduce new linguistic data in the debate concerning the possible (Judeo-Latin?) common tradition underlying the Judeo-Romance translations of the Bible and the Siddur.


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Sito sul piyyu? e la preghiera ebraica (in ebraico) promosso dall’Università ebraica di Gerusalemme: https://web.nli.org.il/sites/nlis/he/song

Sito sui Jewish Languages: https://www.jewishlanguages.org

Sito sui siddurim in linea: https://www.opensiddur.org/shared/siddurim


Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, ms. Vat. ebr. 413 (testi di grammatica).

Editio princeps del Siddur secondo il rito italiano, Fano, Gershom Soncino, 1506.

Leeds, Brotherton Library, ms. Roth 32 (siddur giudeo-provenzale).

Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, ms. fr. 22543 (Canzoniere R dei Trovatori)

Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, ms. fr. 1749 (Canzoniere E dei Trovatori)

Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, ms. fr. 12472 (Canzoniere f dei Trovatori)

Parma, Biblioteca Palatina, ms. hebr. 969 (siddur secondo il rito italiano).


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