Nereis. Interdisciplinary Ibero-American Journal of Methods, Modelling and Simulation.


Current benthic foraminifera in the Almenara’s marsh (Castelló): area subdivision of paralic environments using taxonomy and ecology


This research aims to characterize the distribution and taxonomy of the current foraminifera in the Almenara marsh. For this, two transects have been made perpendicular to the coast where 10 samples have been taken: one, with 8 stations located in the Almenara marsh and another with 2 points located in the gola channel of Casablanca, which connects the marsh environment with the sea. We studied 2838 foraminifera, which have been separated by biocenosis and tanatocenosis, classified in 36 species, of which Ammonia tepida (Linne), Paraphysalidia paralica (Guillem and Usera) and Trichoyalus aguayoi (Bermúdez) are dominant. Biocenosis represents 4.8% of the total foraminifera. The ecological indices (Shannon-Wiever, Margalef ’s richness) show a greater diversity in the channel samples than in the marsh, and an increasing diversity indexes are observed from the continental positions towards the sea. On the other hand, in this work are mentioned species like Paraphysalidia paralica and Psedothurammina limnetis (Scott and Medioli), hardly described in the Mediterranean.

Keywords:foraminifera, Marjal de Almenara, Tanathocoenosis, Biocoenosis, Mediterranean Sea


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