Nereis. Interdisciplinary Ibero-American Journal of Methods, Modelling and Simulation.


Study on the existence of eye injuries after the bulls have been charged


The present project is mainly focused, on the one hand, on the study of bull-on-fire and, on the other hand, on the study of the eyeball in these species. In order to accomplish this study, a research on the eye damages caused by the “embolado” in these animals during popular festivities were conducted. Twenty six fighting bulls, which have suffered from this kind of activity over several years with an average of nine “emboladas” in each animal, have been taken as a sample in order to carry out this project. A total of 52 eyes were obtained immediately after being sacrificed in a slaughterhouse. Subsequently, a macroscopical examination was accomplished, in particular, the external examination of the eyeball, the fluorescein test, the ultrasound and fundus assessment. After that, a microscopic examination was carried out by analyzing the retina from histological sections. The results of the tests show that 9.6% of the studied eyes were damaged, which were mainly associated with handling problems.


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