Nereis. Interdisciplinary Ibero-American Journal of Methods, Modelling and Simulation.


Neutralización de micotoxinas por sustancias adsorbentes


According to data provided by FAO, more than 25% of agricultural production is contaminated by mycotoxins, secondary metabolites of different fungi groups that belong to the chemical family of alcaloids. Due to the unadmisible presence of mycotoxins in the food martek, examination of raw feedstock and foodstuff products is required in order to guarantee food and feed security (CE 2174/2003 Regulation). The principal strategy employed to regulate the presence of these food contaminants is the additivation of adsorbent materials to fodders: clay materials, activated charcoal, and cell wall yeast extracts. We have discussed the state-of-the-art of the mode of adsorption of every adsorbent, establishing the proper correlation among the structural and physicochemical properties of mycotoxins and those of adsorbent materials. The high specific area and the possibility of enclose mycotoxins inside adsorbents via the addition of significative weak interactions –Van der Waals, Hydrogen bonding, etc.– point to be the directory forces in the reception and retention of these food contaminants. New commercial adsorbents, belonging to the family of bentonites (Novasil Plus), and cell wall yeast extract (Bio-Mos®, TB100®), have increased the selectivity towards mycotoxin retention, avoiding the simultaneous retention of essential nutrients.

Keywords: Adsorption, Aflatoxins, Clay Minerals, Bentonite, Sepiolite Activated Charcoal, ?–glucans, Mannoproteins.



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