Effect of the period of confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic on basic food consumption and health behaviours of a sample of the spanish population
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the reality of life, work and relationships of the Spanish population has suddenly changed. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the period of confinement on the behaviour of the population.
The participants were people of Spanish nationality who did not have chronic or mental illnesses that could affect their diet or emotional state.
The sample consisted of 519 people, from all over Spain, 351 participants were women and 168 men. Most of the sample was made up of subjects between 18 and 30 years old.
We proposed an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study using surveys. An ad hoc questionnaire was designed to explore a series of variables: eating habits, social relationships and some emotional aspects. The questionnaire was distributed for eight weeks using non-probabilistic snowball sampling.
In general, eating behaviours were improved in the period of confinement. The population consumed more home-made food prepared by themselves. Women suffered more emotional and psychological burdens during confinement than men. Younger people suffered more intense emotional issues during confinement.
The period of confinement did not significantly affect the physical condition of the population. The most negative impact was recorded on psychological and social variables, as well as on work and studies.
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