Edetania. Estudios y propuestas socioeducativos.





Para obtener la excelencia académica, referida por las instituciones de educación Superior como la calidad de los servicios educativos y de infraestructura con que se cuenta para poder desarrollar el proceso de enseñanza de los docentes y de aprendizaje de los discentes, se requiere del compromiso de los actores que en las organizaciones educativas trabajan, especialmente el de los profesores, ya que la participación y el compromiso de estos asumen un papel preponderante para el alcance de los objetivos organizacionales. Esta investigación revisa la relación entre el compromiso organizacional, definido como un constructo multidimensional bajo la perspectiva de Meyer y Allen (1993), y la excelencia académica del profesorado en una universidad privada de México, mediante una muestra de comparativa de 73 profesores, 20 evaluados en el rango de excelencia y el resto dentro de la media, siendo valorados por la propia institución. Los resultados indican que no existen diferencias significativas entre los profesores de excelencia en cuanto a las dimensiones de compromiso organizacional. Tampoco se encontró relación entre la edad y la antigüedad con las dimensiones de compromiso organizacional.

Palabras clave: excelencia docente, compromiso organizacional, calidad en educación.

Abstract: Academic excellence referred by the Institutions of Higher Education as the quality of educational services and infrastructure which account to develop the teaching of teachers and students requires Organizational Commitment, this one is defined as the link that an employee establishes with its organization, is a variable that has been associated to the worker’s turnover intention, attitude and performance. However, there are few studies in education about the relationship established by teachers to their schools or universities, and their final performance in the classroom. It is this performance the one that leads us to consider the academic excellence of teachers as a variable of high interest to public and private higher education institutions. It is here where participation and commitment of teachers become a leading issue towards achieving organizational objectives. This research reviews the relationship between organizational commitment, defined as a multidimensional issue, under the perspective of Meyer and Allen (1993), and the academic excellence of educators in a private university in Mexico, through a comparative sample of 73 teachers, 20 evaluated in the range of excellence, and the rest in the middle, being evaluated by the institution itself. The results indicate that there are no significant differences between teachers of excellence in terms of the dimensions of organizational commitment. Nor relationship between age or trajectory with the dimensions of organizational commitment was found.

Keywords: academy excellence, organizational commitment, educational quality.


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